Dean of the Faculty of Performing Arts

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karoline Exner

Professor Karoline Exner completed a degree in German and philosophy at the University of Cologne and at the Free University of Berlin. She studied stage management in the class of Professor Achim Benning at the Max Reinhardt Seminar Wien. This was followed by an interdisciplinary doctoral degree in the field of Dramaturgy and Philosophy of Art at the Max Reinhardt Seminar and the University of Vienna under Professor Peter Roessler and Professor Konrad Paul Liessmann. She received her PhD on the subject of “Dramaturgies of Memory with Hebbel-Ibsen-Schnitzler”.

She staged her first productions in Cologne and Vienna during her degree. During her doctoral thesis, she also worked as a freelance drama advisor for productions including for the Spieltriebe (Burgtheater im Kasino), the steirischer herbst, the Stuttgarter Filmwinter and Vienna’s Year of Mozart. Between 2005 and 2008, she worked as a dramatic advisor at the Landestheater Niederösterreich; there, she provided support for several dramatist competitions and staged the winning plays herself. In 2009, she worked at the Brunnenpassage in Vienna, a Community Arts project. Between 2009 and 2013, she became the Head Drama Advisor at the Theater St. Gallen. There, she worked with Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, Stephan Müller, Wolfgang Mitterer and Milo Rau among others. During this time, she was the Dramatic Advisor for several Swiss premieres of plays by Elfriede Jelinek and staged the crime novel Suspicion by Friedrich Dürrenmatt with her own dramatisation. In addition, she managed the authors’ competition at the Theater St. Gallen and Theater Konstanz. She was a lecturer for public lectures at the University of St. Gallen.

Since September 2013, Professor Exner has been the head of the Drama degree course at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (formerly known as the Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität) and was elected as Dean of the Performing Art Faculty in February 2014.
She is also the deputy head of the Joint Research Network Elfriede Jelinek and the Competence Centre Film | Film Music.

Vice dean
Univ.-Prof. Nikolaus Selimov
Phone: +43 1 512 77 47-540 — Mobile: +43 676 541 24

Faculty Management

Mag. Sibylle Singer
Room BRA 2.36 — Phone: +43 1 512 77 47-532 — Mobile: +43 664 606 47